China prohibits financial institutions handle transactions in Bitcoin

The People's Bank of China said the Bitcoin is a currency without a "real meaning."
China 's central bank announced that prohibit financial institutions manage transactions in Bitcoin , being a move intended to increase regulation on criptomoneda after the recent huge rise in price triggered by the interest of Chinese investors .
This means that financial institutions and companies may not deliver their payments in Bitcoin prices , buy or sell the virtual currency Bitcoin or secure related products.

The People's Bank of China said the Bitcoin is a currency without a " real meaning" , and does not have the same legal status as other currencies so that people are free to participate in Internet transactions , but at your own risk .
This has caused a drop in today to 10% in the value of the currency, which now trades at a value close to the $ 1,000 per BTC .
Of course, these new rules do not mean that is best defined the legal status of Bitcoin as regulators are still divided on this issue. Indeed , anonymous sources claim that the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) has been discussing design new rules for trading platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of criptomoneda .

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